ROR Application Development Tips

I'm Ruby on Rails developer. I love to share my experience, technical knowledge. I work at Crypex Technologies which is developing applications in ROR for more than a decade.

How to deploy Ruby on Rails Code on production server with Passenger and Apache?

In this blog, you are going to learn about the deployment of rails application on the production server with its configuration setting in Apache. For this, you need to have Ruby, Rails, MySQL installed in your server system.


Let’s begin with the process of deploying the Rails application.


Step 1: Add the code copy to the server.


          For adding code to the server, you need to take a copy of the code on your server by login using sftp.


$ sftp

$ put samplecode



Step 2: Installation of project and configuration settings.


          Install all libraries of the project and make configuration settings including configuration of database.yml and secrets.yml by using following commands. For this, you need to login to the server using ssh and go to the project folder.


$ ssh

$ cd samplecode


          Rails app has ruby versions and you have to use that specific version to run the application. So, use the ruby version of the application.


$ rvm use (ruby version)


          Install all libraries of the project, set the database and compile assets. Rails have some specific commands to do that.


$ bundle install

$ rake db:create RAILS_ENV=production

$ rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

$ rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production


          Rails provide a secret key which you have to mention it into the config/secret.yml file of the application to maintain the security.


$ rake secret


Above command provide a secret key, add it to theconfig/secrets.yml file of you RoR project.


Step 3: Apache settings


          You have to do apache settings to run the application in production mode on apache server. For this first, you have to createsamplecode.conf file in etc/apache2/sites-available/ path.


The file content will look like as in Image 1. Where you have to mention the domain of your application like and server name like With this, you also have to mention the path of a public folder of the application and ruby version of the application.


Deploying RoR Application on production server


Image 1: Samplecode.conf File


You need to create the symlink of the file samplecode.conf to the sites-enabled folder.  It is created for apache and virtual host settings. This virtual host setting will tell Apache where your application is located. Replace with your application name and as well as mention path to ruby with the ruby version of the application into the samplecode.conf file.


          If you start the application on some port and not on some domain like, you need to specify the port number in the conf file in place of port “80” at the top of the file. And then mention that port to the ports.conf file which is located at /etc/apache/ports.conf.


Deploying Ruby on Rails Application on Production Server


Image 2: Ports.conf File


In the above image, you can see how to mention port, like I have mentioned port 3000 to be heard by apache while serving the page. At last restart the apache server by using the following command. It will run the application on the link like or if it is for a domain then it will run on or


$ sudo restart apache2 restart


In this way, you can start a rails app on the production server.