ROR Application Development Tips

I'm Ruby on Rails developer. I love to share my experience, technical knowledge. I work at Crypex Technologies which is developing applications in ROR for more than a decade.

Rails Application

RabbitMQ with Ruby on Rails in 2018 for Web Application Development

An Introduction to RabbitMQ: RabbitMQ is a message broker software where applications connect to the queue and transfer a message onto it. When one application server sends the request to another application server, RabbitMQ works as a que…

Ruby on Rails Action Cable Tutorial for Developing Real Time Web Application

Action Cable is a powerful feature introduced in Rails 5. Using action cable one can develop real-time web applications. Action cable uses Web Sockets to create full duplex communication between application’s server and client. Using actio…

Nine Array Methods in Ruby Programming and their Differences - You Should Know About!

Nowadays, data handling is a big responsibility for every web and mobile application. Arrays make the process easier and it can handle any list of data. Once you have data in an array, you can easily sort it, remove duplicates, change its …

Introduction to FontAwesome 5: Font Awesome 5 is upgraded version of Font Awesome 4, It has a more attractive icon with big improvement icons as compare to Font Awesome 4 Some improved points are listed below: FontAwesome 5 icons are drawn…

Cron job in Ruby on Rails application – A Complete Tutorial for Beginners

A scheduled task is very important in Ruby on Rails application. Ruby on Rails does not have this type of “out-of-the-box” feature, but we can use the Cron job to achieve the purpose. Cron can be scheduled to send a reminder email, or sche…

Simplifying Admission Procedures using Ruby on Rails Technology

Every University has thousands of applications streaming in for each course. A single application has a minimum of three stages – the document submitted by the student, his/her interview and finally, uploading the financial proof. Managing…

How to deploy Ruby on Rails Code on production server with Passenger and Apache?

In this blog, you are going to learn about the deployment of rails application on the production server with its configuration setting in Apache. For this, you need to have Ruby, Rails, MySQL installed in your server system. Let’s begin wi…

Increase your Scalability using Redis in Ruby on Rails Application

Redis is an open source very fast, non-relational, in-memory data structure store. It stores data in the form of a key-value pair. Redis has a support of data structure like sets, hashes, strings, list. Redis is mostly used for the cache s…