ROR Application Development Tips

I'm Ruby on Rails developer. I love to share my experience, technical knowledge. I work at Crypex Technologies which is developing applications in ROR for more than a decade.

ror development

Ruby on Rails Action Cable Tutorial for Developing Real Time Web Application

Action Cable is a powerful feature introduced in Rails 5. Using action cable one can develop real-time web applications. Action cable uses Web Sockets to create full duplex communication between application’s server and client. Using actio…

Token Based Authentication API in Rails with the help of JWT and Knock

If you want to create Rails Application dependent on API only and you have a requirement to provide Token based authentication in your application. So you can use JWT+ KNOCK token based Authentication solution. Knock is an authentication s…

Unit Testing Significance in Ruby on Rails Software Development

In this blog we will discuss about Unit Testing, the very first thing that we need to know is when the Unit Testing is being performed. Unit testing is the initial level of software testing, that is performed on the application source code…

A Beginner’s Guide to Angular Architecture for Front-End Development

We have gone through many web applications and mobile applications which do not reload the entire page but instead reloads only the required section. These are nothing but Single Page Applications (SPA) which are developed using Angular. A…

Introduction to FontAwesome 5: Font Awesome 5 is upgraded version of Font Awesome 4, It has a more attractive icon with big improvement icons as compare to Font Awesome 4 Some improved points are listed below: FontAwesome 5 icons are drawn…

Cron job in Ruby on Rails application – A Complete Tutorial for Beginners

A scheduled task is very important in Ruby on Rails application. Ruby on Rails does not have this type of “out-of-the-box” feature, but we can use the Cron job to achieve the purpose. Cron can be scheduled to send a reminder email, or sche…

Simplifying Admission Procedures using Ruby on Rails Technology

Every University has thousands of applications streaming in for each course. A single application has a minimum of three stages – the document submitted by the student, his/her interview and finally, uploading the financial proof. Managing…

How to deploy Ruby on Rails Code on production server with Passenger and Apache?

In this blog, you are going to learn about the deployment of rails application on the production server with its configuration setting in Apache. For this, you need to have Ruby, Rails, MySQL installed in your server system. Let’s begin wi…

Increase your Scalability using Redis in Ruby on Rails Application

Redis is an open source very fast, non-relational, in-memory data structure store. It stores data in the form of a key-value pair. Redis has a support of data structure like sets, hashes, strings, list. Redis is mostly used for the cache s…

Six rules to make Ruby On Rails code Crisp, Absolute and Clear!

In my coding lifetime, I have enhanced and improved my coding style after client feedback and guidance. I have learned over the years of time, that there aspects and points that has utmost importance in the coding of Ruby on Rails (RoR) ap…

GitHub - The Most Useful Code Committing Platform for Software Developers

When working in a team, you may have come across a situation wherein there are many copies of Code of your Ruby on Rails Application and then you really don't know if it has been updated,well-organized or well merged, for that matter, have…

Export HTML Table Data into Excel Using jQuery in a Ruby on Rails Application

Export data in HTML table is one of the most convenient features in the web application. Basically export means the user can download the data in some format like Excel, PDF or CSV. Once the data get exported it can be used offline. Nowada…

Sending Emails in Rails Applications

Action Mailer is the Rails component that enables applications to send and receive emails. In Rails, emails are used by creating mailers that inherit from “ActionMailer::Base” in app/mailers. Those mailers have associated views that appear…

Ruby on Rails application using Devise

Devise is a flexible authentication solution for Rails. It is a complete MVC solution based on Rails engines. It allows you to have multiple models signed in at the same time. It hashes and stores a password in the database to validate the…

Seeking the Next Greatest Generation

Consider this your invitation to become part of an extraordinary movement transcending the bitter political divide and united in shared purpose blind to color, party and religion. We reach out not just to the young, but young of heart and …

How to combine data from two different tables into new rows to be displayed as one table in Rails application?

Let’s start with an example that you have two different tables called InternalEmail and ExternalEmail. internal_emails Id (integer) sender_id (integer) content (text) Subject (character varying) recipient_email (character varying) Status (…

Instagram API Integration to get Instagram feed to your website

To integrate the Instagram API in your website, you need you have to follow following process Log in to Instagram and open this page Click on the button «Register a New Client». Then Fill all …

Pagination in Rails With the will_paginate-bootstrap Gem

To divide large number of records into multiple parts, we use pagination. It allows user to display a part of records only. Loading all records in a single page may take time, so it is always recommended to created pagination. In will_pagi…

Enabling Cross Origin Resource (CORS) Sharing In Rails

How can my application share it's resources with another client? This is where the CORS, or Cross Origin Resource protocol comes in. CORS introduces a standard mechanism that can be used by all browsers for implementing cross-domain reques…

How to use FFmpeg tool in Rails Application

FFmpeg is an extremely powerful and versatile command line tool for converting any multimedia files. It is free and available for Windows, Mac and Linux machines. Whether you want to join two video files, extract the audio component from a…

Implement Voting functionality in Ruby

In many applications we need to provide the ability to like/dislike, upvote/downvote kind of functionalities and in order to implement this there is an awesome gem available in Ruby on Rails called “Acts as Votable” gem.These are the simpl…